Optimize Your Health with Dr. Lori’s 7 Essential Tips!

Posted by: On August 10, 2018 9:37 pm

Dr. Lori is BACK to give you her 7 tips on optimizing your health…

Many people desire a life with optimal health – yet do not know which actions they need to take to create a body that has energy, vibrancy, strength and mental well-being. It really is about creating a healthy body because when someone ignores their health over time, their health will slowly decline.

I have 7 tips that you can implement in your life right now to help you take the correct actions that will put you on the path to optimal health:

  • Drink More Water
  • Eat for Gut Health
  • Increase Muscle Mass
  • Practice Gratitude Daily
  • Reduce Excess Carb Intake
  • Stress Less
  • Sleep More


These 7 tips …

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Yo-Yo Dieting & How to Get Better, Lasting Results!

Posted by: On July 27, 2018 2:28 pm

We’d like to give a warm, hearty welcome to our special guest blogger, Lori Shemek, Ph.D.! Dr. Lori is a nutrition and weight loss expert who specializes in weight loss resistance, and she is the bestselling author of How to Fight FATflammation! and Fire Up Your Fat Burn! To learn more about Dr. Lori – visit her website!

Free weight loss advice from top-selling author Dr. Lori Shemek…

Are you constantly going on and off a diet to try and shed those stubborn pounds – only to leave you frustrated every time? You are not alone!

More than 68% of the American population is overweight or obese – and yo-yo dieting has something to do with it.

yo-yo dieting
Yo-Yo dieting:
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