BPA is a Much Bigger Problem Than Previously Thought – But a Water Ionizer Can Help

Posted by: On January 6, 2020 11:14 am

We’ve talked about BPA before.

Why is BPA a much bigger problem than we previously thought?

In recent years, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has preferred a relatively nonchalant approach to the carcinogenic chemical that’s present in food containers and drink bottles across the country, declining to upgrade the risk in line with scientists’ concerns.

Caution Needed

Experts in the field have long felt the FDA’s position has jarred with the more cautionary scientific view.

“The stance the FDA’s had for a number of years is probably narrow-sighted.” – Christopher Kassotis, University of Missouri 

That cautious concern appears to have been vindicated by a significant report in The Lancet that the methodology used by regulators to quantify BPA is …

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What is the Best Water to Drink on an Empty Stomach?

Posted by: On December 17, 2019 4:33 pm

Did you know that there’s one simple thing you can do every single day that will pay fantastic dividends to your health?

Even better – EVERYONE can do it, starting tomorrow morning!

Just drink a glass of water!

best water to drink
Before you do anything else in the morning, drink a glass of Tyent Water on an empty stomach.

Huh? Why is that so great for health?

Okay, we’ll explain, but first – what’s the first thing you eat or drink in the morning? Coffee? Toast or cereal?

Now, we’re not suggesting that you don’t have these things – but before anything else hits your stomach when you wake up…drink a glass of water.

Why Should I Drink a Glass of Water

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100,000 Cancer Cases from Contaminants in Tap Water

Posted by: On September 30, 2019 3:56 pm

A shocking new study from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has revealed that exposure to the cocktail of lethal carcinogens in America’s tap water causes or contributes to over 100,000 cancer cases in the US over a lifetime.

tap water
America’s tap water – now with added carcinogens.

The peer-reviewed study puts much of the toxic culpability on the presence of three main contaminants found in the water supply to millions of homes:

  • Arsenic
  • Disinfection by-products
  • Radioactive contaminants

This disturbing report means that more and more people are being prompted into finding a long-term, reliable solution to protect their family from contaminated tap water.

EWG Recommends Home Water Filters

The EWG has suggested installing individual water filters at home.

However, most domestic …

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The Only Thing You Should Give Kids to Drink This Summer

Posted by: On July 5, 2019 5:32 pm

We’re just past the longest day of the year and the prospect of summer vacations and long hot days is beckoning. Keeping children hydrated in the warm weather is always a struggle; swimming, bike rides, sports, and fun tend to take priority for kids!

Keep reading below to find out:

Are Kids Getting Enough to Drink?
Should Kids Say No to Soda?
Should Kids Avoid Bottled Water?
Should Kids Drink Tap Water?
What Should I Give Kids to Drink This Summer?
Kids need a LOT of hydrating over the summer!

Are Kids Getting Enough to Drink?

You can guarantee that your kids will hurtle through the house, claiming that, “we’re fine, thanks, mom…we don’t need anything…bye, mom!” as you try …

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What Would the Water Be Like in the Zombie Apocalypse?

Posted by: On March 31, 2019 6:00 pm

It’s here people.  The finale of The Walking Dead, Season 9 is screening tonight, and the nation has a date at the edge of its seat!

To get us all in the mood, how well prepared are YOU for a Zombie Apocalypse?  Let’s find out!

  1. What Is a Zombie Apocalypse?
  2. Where Do Zombies Come From?
  3. What is The Walking Dead?
  4. Could The Walking Dead Zombie Apocalypse Happen?
  5. Do Zombies Like Water?
  6. Should I Be Afraid to Drink the Water in a Zombie Apocalypse?
  7. How Can I Test My Water During a Zombie Apocalypse?
  8. What Kind of Water Should I Drink During a Zombie Apocalypse?
  9. How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse by Using a Water Ionizer
zombie apocalypse
The Walking Dead: How a
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The Tap Water Database: Are You Ready For This?

Posted by: On February 9, 2019 1:18 pm

Just how bad is America’s tap water right now?

Have things improved since the Flint water scandal and the ensuing country-wide outcry?

Is it safe to turn on your tap and drink the water yet?

tap water
How much do you trust YOUR tap water?

To learn more about the dangers of tap water…we’ll cover the following:

  1. Stringent Testing, Shocking Results
  2. What’s in the Water?
  3. FREE Water Report and Analysis
  4. A Water Ionizer Can Clean Up Your Water
  5. Learn More About Tyent Water Ionizers

The Dangers of Tap Water in America

Stringent Testing, Shocking Results

The EWG (Environmental Working Group) has been assiduously studying data from water samples collected across 50 states, between 2010 and 2015.

“When most Americans drink a glass

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When It Comes To Product Quality, Warranty And Customer Service, The Tyent Alkaline Water Ionizer Company Has Much To Offer You (New And Improved!)

Posted by: On January 16, 2019 3:00 pm

If you’re looking for the best water ionizer machine for home use, here are the things you need to know.

RELATED: 101 Reasons to Love Tyent Water Ionizers, Part 4: Awards, Reviews and A+ Customer Service

In this article:

  1. Why Do You Need to Switch to Drinking Alkaline Water?
  2. Why Do You Need a Water Ionizer at Home?
  3. What Features Should You Look for in a Water Ionizer Machine?
  4. How to Choose a Company You Can Trust
  5. Tyent Water Ionizer Machine Is Your Best Option
  6. You Have to Look Below the Surface and Beyond the Sales Pitch
  7. Customer Service

Water Ionizer Machine | What You Need to Know

Water Ionizer Machine Definition: A water ionizer machine is a home device …

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7 Water Ionizer Benefits! [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted by: On December 20, 2018 3:00 pm

To better understand the advantages of alkaline water, here are the 7 benefits of ionizing water.

RELATED: 101 Reasons To Love Tyent Water Ionizers: Health Benefits And More

In this article:

  1. Avoid Dehydration
  2. Antioxidants to Combat Free Radicals
  3. Weight Loss Support
  4. Hydrogen Water Benefits
  5. Mineral Water
  6. How To Wash Fruits and Vegetables
  7. Clean, Safe Water You Can Trust

Water Ionizing Benefits That Boost Your Health

Click here to jump to the infographic.
Water Ionizing Definition: The process of raising water pH to alkalinity by electrolysis.

Praises for Ionizing Water

water ionizer | 7 Benefits of Water Ionizing
We always love to hear someone singing our praises!

You know that alkaline water delivers all kinds of brilliant benefits, but what are the top reasons that most people sing the …

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Eat the Rainbow Part I : Gorgeous Greens!

Posted by: On May 29, 2018 7:00 am

Even if we struggle to stick to it all the time, most of us have a pretty good idea how to eat healthily.  Fruit, vegetables = good. Too much sugar, salt and fat = bad. Yep. We can remember that.  

Eating your greens really is good for you.

Green is Good!

But when you’re choosing what to buy at the grocery store, bear in mind that fresh produce in different colors doesn’t just look good in the fruit bowl – it’s great for your health as well!

We take a look at why we tell our kids to eat their greens and why our parents and their parents before them, told us the same thing!

Plant Power!  

Green is

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In a Pinch: Have You Done the Pinch Test Today?

Posted by: On May 24, 2018 12:00 pm

Did you know that there is a really easy way to find out whether your body is properly hydrated or not?  tyent

Give Yourself a Pinch!

Your skin’s elasticity is a brilliant indicator of how well hydrated you really are.  To test, pinch the skin on the back of your hand and let go. If it snaps back into place and returns to normal immediately, then congratulations, you’re hydrated!  

If it doesn’t and your skin maintains the “pinched” shape for a couple of seconds, then don’t ignore it; you need to drink more water.  If your skin – your body’s biggest organ – isn’t properly hydrated, then what about the vital internal organs that you can’t see?  

Thirsty Work?

Drinking 6

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