Young NASA Scientists: Winners Announced!

Posted by: On September 15, 2018 11:03 am

Back in May, we featured a young scientist competition in which a group of East Coast youngsters were named finalists in the NASA “OPSPARC” Challenge.

Is there a future Tyent water ionizer engineer here? Credit: bdpatoday

Their innovation?  Using NASA-inspired technology to clean up lead-contaminated water in schools for fellow students using a two-stage filtration jar, designed to filter the water and remove impurities.

The Winners are Announced!

We have some great news for anyone who followed the progress of these young scientists!

The winners have now been announced and we’re thrilled that Bria Snell, India Skinner, and Mikayla Sharrieff were awarded the second prize in the finals of the competition in the Grade 9 -12 category!

Tyent would

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How Water Ionizers Can Help Your Gut Instincts!

Posted by: On September 13, 2018 5:30 pm

You need to pay special attention to your gut instincts, because a healthy gut = healthy and happier you!

gut instincts
Do your gut instincts need some TLC?

Did you know that your gastrointestinal tract needs to be kept healthy to keep your whole body in balance?

Great health really does begin in the gut – so what we eat plays a key part in either improving or harming our gut microbes (bacteria that’s good or bad, and lives in our intestines).

The food we eat travels to our GI tract, where it’s then broken down to enable the nutrients in our food to be absorbed by releasing hormones that trigger the proper digestive enzymes to be released.

Our GI tract supports …

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Do Men and Women Glow or Sweat? Can a Water Ionizer Hydrate You Faster?

Posted by: On September 9, 2018 1:00 pm

Recently, we looked at what happens when we sweat and why ionized alkaline water from a water ionizer is SO awesome for replenishing our bodies when we do sweat.

But did you know that men and women sweat differently?

Do You Glow or Sweat? 

That post-workout glow, Victorian-style.

There’s an old saying that may or not have emanated from the rather buttoned-up sensibilities of Victorian England: ‘horses sweat, men perspire, but ladies merely glow.’

Over the years, this saying has been interpreted through the widespread perception that women are “delicate flowers” who don’t “sweat” like their male counterparts do.

But here’s the thing. Recent studies reveal that the Victorians might have been on to something.

Men Sweat More Than Women!

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Water Ionizers Will Keep You Cool – So Don’t Sweat It!

Posted by: On September 4, 2018 6:44 pm

Who remembers that iconic line from the opening sequence of the popular ‘80s show “Fame”?

Every week, tough-but-big-hearted dance teacher Miss Grant yelled at her students that “fame costs…and right here is where you start paying. In sweat.”

alkaline water
Tyent alkaline water is always on point!

Sweating is Cool Because Science Says So!

When we exercise or do anything on a hot day, we sweat. We need to sweat because it’s good for us.

Here’s how the science of sweating works:

  • Between 2-4 million eccrine sweat glands cover our bodies, through which moisture is secreted to help cool us down and regulate our core body temperature.
  • When sweat glands leave your body, they evaporate from your skin and cool you
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Water Ionizers & Power Showers for the Ultimate Summer Chill!

Posted by: On August 25, 2018 1:37 pm

In the summer, many of us like to shower more frequently than we normally would. Let’s face it – on a hot summer day, nothing beats standing underneath a cooling jet of water!

shower filter
Your morning shower just got even better!

Your Skin and Chlorine

Now that stream of water might be wonderfully refreshing to step into in the morning, but let’s remember two things: your skin is your largest organ, and your municipal water is very likely to contain chlorine.

To an extent – what we put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies. So, what do you do if you want to cut back on the amount of chlorine in your shower water?

You buy a Tyent shower …

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Water Ionizers & Our Super Team of Experts Can Help UNLOCK Your Summer Beach Body!

Posted by: On August 23, 2018 8:12 pm

With Labor Day around the corner – are you still struggling to hit your summer beach body goals?

Don’t panic because YOU STILL have some time to UNLOCK your dream summer beach body – so keep reading!

summer beach body
Don’t hit the snooze button on your summer beach body goals just yet…

Meet our Super Team of Experts!

If your budget doesn’t quite stretch to incorporate a personal trainer and/or nutritionist, we’ve got the next best thing!

We’ve assembled a team of the top health and wellness experts to give their BEST tips to help you train, eat and drink your way to a stronger, healthier shape in weeks!

Dr. Lori Shemek – the Nutrition & Weight Loss Expert!

dr lori shemek
Dr. Lori Shemek
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Tyent Water Ionizers: Our Secret Logic

Posted by: On August 20, 2018 4:45 pm

Values matter…such as integrity and doing the right thing. Here at Tyent – we hold these simple, yet vital principles close to our hearts as we try to inform others about how we build and sell our award-winning water ionizers and how we treat our customers.

water ionizers
Caring for our customers is at the heart of Tyent!

Our Core Values

In other words, these are Tyent’s Core Values and we uphold them every step of the way, all day every day. But what does that mean for you, the customer?

Let’s talk about what Our Secret Logic means. Our “secret logic” is that in order to be the best water ionizer company that we can be, we will provide you …

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Tyent Water Ionizers: Why Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed!

Posted by: On August 14, 2018 2:51 pm

Did you miss our amazing Christmas in July sale last month?  Well, don’t kick yourself too hard because our award-winning water ionizers provide amazing value year-round that’s second-to-none!

water ionizers
Did you miss out on Christmas in July this year?

Electric Water Ionizer Imports from China: Are They Dangerously Cheap?

When you decide to buy an electric water ionizer to enjoy alkaline water benefits at home, you are making the conscious, healthy decision to invest in your family’s health and well-being.

The water ionizer buying process can seem overwhelming – and your inbox will be flooded with countless sales promos and “irresistible offers” that each brand will present to you. This is where things can get tricky – so pay attention.

If …

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Meet Joe Boccuti! Tyent Founder & President Talks Water Ionizers!

Posted by: On August 11, 2018 11:02 am

Here at Tyent – we love to talk about water ionizers and why they are so all-around AWESOME to have in your life.

But guess what? There’s no better person to explain why drinking hydrogen-rich alkaline water (known as hydrogen water) is such an amazing gift to your health than the Founder and President of Tyent himself – Joe Boccuti!

You won’t believe what happened when Joe spent some time chatting with celebrity host and media personality Eraldo Maglara – so keep reading to find out!

water ionizers
NO ONE knows more about water ionizers than Joe Boccuti!

How Tyent Water Ionizers Began!

What motivated Joe to assemble the most accomplished engineers and water ionizer technology experts to create the best

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Soda is a Big Problem in “The Town Without Water”

Posted by: On July 30, 2018 6:24 pm

For residents of San Cristóbal de las Casas, a southeastern state of Chiapas in Mexico, soda isn’t an occasional drink; soda is their main source of hydration!

Kids need to drink water – not soda.
Credit: Toxic-Free Future

Soda Linked to Diabetes?

Due to decreasing rainfall, poor local infrastructure and (crucially) a huge Coca-Cola plant on the outskirts of San Cristóbal de las Casas that has a license to draw thousands of gallons of water every day from the local water reserves, locals end up drinking soda instead of water.

The presence and effect of the Coca-Cola plant is the subject of heated and emotional debate, but what’s also startling is how a daily diet that consists mainly of …

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